Wednesday, 30 September 2009

OMG Jasper Wong

This first one is just perfect.

The second one is worth a closer look, too. He reminds me a bit of Catalina Estrada, although looking at her stuff again, they don't have as much in common as I thought.
        Also, this:

Skinny Leather Trousers

Given that I have gold, silver, cobalt blue, and black satin trousers tucked away in various drawers at home (and largely forgotten about, I am ashamed to admit. In fact I once spent a couple of hours trawling the shops looking for shiny black trousers, before returning home and discovering I had a pair. In fact two, if you count leggings) - considering all this, you would not think that I am particularly in need of more 'statement trousers'. But you would think wrong, as seen in the post below, and now this - I need some skinny leather trousers. Because really, it doesn't matter how many pairs of trousers you have: if you haven't got leather trousers then you haven't got leather trousers. There is no substitute. Especially not for these babies:

Yowza! So hot. The problem with leather trousers is that you have to spend a fair bit to get the right fit. Also to avoid the seam at the knee where they've sewn the bottom leg part on. Yuk. Although having said that, these Herrlicher ones are only £80. That's less than you might pay for a leather jacket. (Might. I paid £50 for mine, and only cos it had a hood.)        

Religion Metallic Gold Leopard Print Leggings

Okay, I know animal print is pretty tired but METALLIC GOLD!! Plus it would be worn with these, obviously:

God I really need to find myself an approximation of those Chloe boots. Please God! I probably need to be clever about it and make them out of stuff I already have, somehow. Which I think I could do actually but it wouldn't be wedgey. And I do want them wedgey. Else it's not the same, is it? Basically I want them for daytime heels, that you could wear to the park if you wanted, and you can't wear anything but wedges to the park. Clearly.        

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

New Watch

Ideally, I want a Casio calculator watch in white. Just plain white. This, apparently, doesn't happen. So I would like either this:

currently on eBay for £219, or this:

Which is pretty awesome as it is, but still going for £86 with five days left on the auction too! In fact if I could get that second one in white, I'd be over the moon, but I can't see it really. The search continues...        

Silver Balloons

Found this on a The Pop post.        

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Jeff Luker

So Jeff Luker's pretty good. It seems a nice style of photo to look at for inspiration, I think because it's a balance of having an eye for what will transpose well onto film and actual technical ability that I feel is within reach for me. Although I feel as though if I look at enough of the right photos then I will get better at taking them, when really I think I need to be just taking more and more and developing them and then taking more. But looking helps too, I'm sure of it. But then what the fuck do I know, after my sad little bunch of TEN photos came back today, maybe four of them serviceable. And probably only because Hot Photogenic Friend was in those four. Goddammit!! Although that was the first film I had with my new camera, and 20 photos of that were taken at the zoo on a ridiculously low shutter speed. Like, 30. Weep. (Tears for my own stupidity.) (I just tried to spell that 'stupidy'. Dear god it's worse than I thought.)        


So I got my photos back, the good news is that they cost £5.49 and not £8.49, the bad news is that only 10 came out from a 36 film. And that means I don't know if it's normally £5.49, or if they gave it to me cheaper because they only had to develop less than a third of the film. It seems I have a long way to go before I'm taking photos as good as the ones I look at on the internet. Even the crappy ones. Goddammit. And there was a gorgeous one of me in there, that I ruined by smiling with my lower jaw sticking out like a retard. Hooray. Still, it's something at least. Might even be able to squeeze a flickr upload or two out of it.        

Yes Please

Yes I would very much like one of these, please. $100, so £60, hmmm. Not so bad really. Not if somebody else is paying. I just need to find the right word. And the person to buy it.        

You Were Right And I Am Embarrassed

Not so long ago, I was explaining to a group of quasi-friends why MeatLoaf is awesome, and one girl had the audacity to pipe up that he'd totally ripped off Bruce Springsteen's Thunder Road. I allowed myself a couple of seconds to reel with shock, and then launched into a tirade about how I was in the best position to view the matter objectively, having great appreciation for both artists, and that Bruce Springsteen's whole steez is being an all-American blue collar worker with dreams of a better life that never materialise, while MeatLoaf's is to be a badass theatrical rocker - so why on earth would one ever have cause to rip off the other? I also added that Springsteen used his sister's life as the basis for more than one of his songs, and that by his own admission he's "a rich man in a poor man's shirt" - more to make out that I knew my Springsteen than because they had any real relevance to the debate. Anyway so I was shrieking all this at her in my best incredulous shout, allowing her no time to talk because she was talking bullshit, obviously, and eventually I finished my rant and we moved on to other topics.
        Today, Thunder Road came on my iPod and I thought to myself something that I have thought a number of times before: "Hmm, this piano riff sounds exactly like the Bat Out of Hell one." Wikipedia confirms Thunder Road to have been released in 1975, and Bat Out of Hell in 1977.

I hate being wrong.

Comparisons, if you must:
Thunder Road
Bat Out of Hell

(Although it should be noted that I still don't take this as absolute proof that Steinman literally lifted it from Bruce.)        

Fucking Do It Yourself.

Months ago I was asked by Annoying Colleague Who Should Have Done It Himself to make a company-branded template for Word and PowerPoint. It was a lot harder than it sounds, and created waves with the CEO (WTF??), who wanted a different sort of bullet points. But I emerged victorious, in that I made a PowerPoint template. (Word can go fuck itself.) It was then requested that I go round every machine in the office, making sure the template was available. I went to one machine and then emailed the instructions to everybody else. But all they had to do was grab it from the server, which I told them how to do.
        And what do you think happens now, when somebody wants to put our branding on their presentation? Why, they come and ask me to sort it out for them of course! It's fucking ridiculous, and I often find myself insulted. But then I remember I actually don't have anything better to do.        

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Daylight Robbery!

So photo processing costs £8.49 these days, does it?? Jesus christ! I didn't even have any bells and/or whistles! That was standard processing, the longest time they'd let me do it for, smallest size, no CD no nothing! Incidentally, the CD would have cost £3.49 extra - what?? Last I heard it was a quid extra! I need to go to Boots instead, Snappy Snaps is a fucking rip-off. God this is going to be an expensive habit. That's film number one from Berlin, and I've got four more to develop. I still have my 12 unpaid holiday days to deal with next month as well. :(        

Hanne Hvattum

This is gorgeous. Makes me think more about how I could play around with aperture. I can't wait to get the photos back from my Praktica, in fact I reckon I'll put some in for processing today. I'm really glad I bought it, I think I might keep it as my standard camera for a while. Although having said that, I love the clarity of these photos. I wonder what camera she used.


Thursday, 17 September 2009

Diego Gravinese By Way Of Franz Gertsch

Was looking for a particular Franz Gertsch I saw in Berlin when I came across this by Diego Gravinese:
Love it! There's shitloads more on his flickr.        

Tie-Dye Is Okay Again As Long As It's Tight

Bodycon Tie-Dye!!
This would look sick with high-waisted hotpants/shorts as well. Mmmm, bodycon. I was just thinking to myself the other day, "hmm I think I might like to dip back into the world of tie-dye, but I'll have to be very careful about how I do it." - and here is my answer. Except Berlin has robbed me of all my money so I can't afford it.
       How can I make this from what I've got? Ooh I could tie-dye my bodycon turquoise thing with bleach! That would be cool. But v risky. I'll have to think about it.

Okay - I have reflected, and am deffo tie-dying it in bleach. Hope I choose the right sort of knots to make it look good. Now my problem is this: do I attempt to bleach tie-dye my high-waisted denim skirt? Bearing in mind that this same skirt has been the subject of a failed bleach experiment previously, and re-died to an approximate black? The problem with bleaching dark denim is that it goes yellowy before it goes white. Perhaps I could tie-dye bleach it and then machine dye it afterwards? Hmhm.
        I definitely do want to tie-dye some leggings as well though. Ideally I want patterned leggings I can wear with long baggy checked shirt and my white puffy boots. I desperately need an approximation of those Chloe platform black boots. I saw a girl wearing some that just had no platform. Hang on, didn't I start shoe-dying a pair I already have for that exact purpose? Isn't that how our rug got a black smear? Must try and remember which those were. They were fucking suede, though, so it's going to take about 5 bottles of leather dye that I don't have the spare money for.        

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Cassandra Jones