Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Jeff Luker

So Jeff Luker's pretty good. It seems a nice style of photo to look at for inspiration, I think because it's a balance of having an eye for what will transpose well onto film and actual technical ability that I feel is within reach for me. Although I feel as though if I look at enough of the right photos then I will get better at taking them, when really I think I need to be just taking more and more and developing them and then taking more. But looking helps too, I'm sure of it. But then what the fuck do I know, after my sad little bunch of TEN photos came back today, maybe four of them serviceable. And probably only because Hot Photogenic Friend was in those four. Goddammit!! Although that was the first film I had with my new camera, and 20 photos of that were taken at the zoo on a ridiculously low shutter speed. Like, 30. Weep. (Tears for my own stupidity.) (I just tried to spell that 'stupidy'. Dear god it's worse than I thought.)        

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