Thursday, 17 September 2009

Tie-Dye Is Okay Again As Long As It's Tight

Bodycon Tie-Dye!!
This would look sick with high-waisted hotpants/shorts as well. Mmmm, bodycon. I was just thinking to myself the other day, "hmm I think I might like to dip back into the world of tie-dye, but I'll have to be very careful about how I do it." - and here is my answer. Except Berlin has robbed me of all my money so I can't afford it.
       How can I make this from what I've got? Ooh I could tie-dye my bodycon turquoise thing with bleach! That would be cool. But v risky. I'll have to think about it.

Okay - I have reflected, and am deffo tie-dying it in bleach. Hope I choose the right sort of knots to make it look good. Now my problem is this: do I attempt to bleach tie-dye my high-waisted denim skirt? Bearing in mind that this same skirt has been the subject of a failed bleach experiment previously, and re-died to an approximate black? The problem with bleaching dark denim is that it goes yellowy before it goes white. Perhaps I could tie-dye bleach it and then machine dye it afterwards? Hmhm.
        I definitely do want to tie-dye some leggings as well though. Ideally I want patterned leggings I can wear with long baggy checked shirt and my white puffy boots. I desperately need an approximation of those Chloe platform black boots. I saw a girl wearing some that just had no platform. Hang on, didn't I start shoe-dying a pair I already have for that exact purpose? Isn't that how our rug got a black smear? Must try and remember which those were. They were fucking suede, though, so it's going to take about 5 bottles of leather dye that I don't have the spare money for.        

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