Oh, wow, I wish JJP would have an exhibition in London. Might just have to go and see him in Oz, I reckon they have pretty good stuff there anyway. Did You Know? Australians invented Labradoodles and the Bionic Ear.
Need to find better pictures of this: Apparently DSquared's runway in Milan was full of these bloodied boxers. The one on the left's a bit crap but the others are great.
Bit long, this one, but I just love what she does and had to pick a few from (almost) every set she had on her website. She makes them awesome in lots of different ways, although the ones I've posted here probs seem a bit samey cos I love the ones with taps in.
WHAT STILL REMAINS: Blowing in the Wind SilenceLost Banana
JESUS AND THE CHERRIES: Carrots by the SinkBlue SpoonBlue Sink
I know I only really post paintings when they're photorealistic, and I guess that's a bit boring but also because I just prefer the way photos look to the way paintings do, most of the time. So have some more.
This is a painting! More interesting than a lot of the photo-realistic stuff, not to be blasé about the genre (would you call it a genre?) but this is a particularly good idea.