Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Friday, 22 January 2010

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Colin Smith: Camera Obscura, Hotels


James Jirat Patradon FTW

Oh, wow, I wish JJP would have an exhibition in London. Might just have to go and see him in Oz, I reckon they have pretty good stuff there anyway. Did You Know? Australians invented Labradoodles and the Bionic Ear.

More exhibition opening photos        

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Tess Roby


DSquared2 Milan Menswear

Need to find better pictures of this:
        Apparently DSquared's runway in Milan was full of these bloodied boxers. The one on the left's a bit crap but the others are great.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Teppei Takahashi


Monday, 18 January 2010

Hackney Snowtime Photo Mission


Jessica Backhaus: What Still Remains; One Day In November; Jesus And The Cherries

Bit long, this one, but I just love what she does and had to pick a few from (almost) every set she had on her website. She makes them awesome in lots of different ways, although the ones I've posted here probs seem a bit samey cos I love the ones with taps in.

Blowing in the Wind
SilenceLost Banana


Carrots by the SinkBlue SpoonBlue Sink        


Nice reminder of how great the Holga can be.


Alyssa Monks

I know I only really post paintings when they're photorealistic, and I guess that's a bit boring but also because I just prefer the way photos look to the way paintings do, most of the time. So have some more.


Friday, 15 January 2010

Christian Hansen

From The Road to Riches:From American Landscapes:
From America:        

Friday, 8 January 2010

Glennray Tutor

This is a painting! More interesting than a lot of the photo-realistic stuff, not to be blasé about the genre (would you call it a genre?) but this is a particularly good idea.